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Monday, January 18, 2010

Julie & Julia

A short review of the movie Julie & Julia as well as my thoughts and opinions based on it.

Julie & Julia is a cute little 2009 comedy/drama film . It shows the lives of two different women who are both saved by food. Julie is a young woman working for the government in New York City, answering phones all day and dealing with rude individuals. Julia however, is the beloved Julia Child who helped write
Mastering the Art of French Cooking after her stay in France with her husband.

In New York, Julie wants basically...a hobby. She wants to do something that she enjoys day to day. Cooking maker her feel good about herself. She gives herself 1 year to cook every single recipe from Julia Child's book. With much agony and a messy kitchen--and not to forget the lack of intimacy with her husband--she manages to stick to her new project.

The other side of the story shows the early life of Julia Child. She tries to take up many different sort of classes to fill her days while her husband works. In the end, she comes to the conclusion that she loves to eat--thus takes cooking lessons. With some practice she becomes very good at it--she treats it like a science. Julia and her two other friends manage to publish their book after countless years of revisions.

Julia starts a blog, and gains many trusted fans. The New York Times finds her popularity a breath of fresh air and they write and article about her. With this door opened she receives book deals and also a movie deal.

This quaint story about 2 true stories makes for a cute and emotional movie which takes you from New York to Paris--and from meaningless lives to hope and happiness.

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