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Friday, February 5, 2010

Be kind, screw with their minds

An update on that party, plus realizations and lessons learned

An update on that party.

Well....she was there. It was very awkward. We left. The end.

Leaving the awkwardness of that night aside--I've learned something from this experience. Isn't that what life is all about anyway?

I've opened my mind, and my heart, and decided to leave all the bullshit aside, for now. Those things that were said and done in the past between me and my boyfriend, and his ex will never go away. That doesn't mean, however, that we cannot be civil in public.

Therefore, from now on I will be friendly to her. I've already started this and it has brought me joy and happiness. Most of all, it's giving me a way of playing with her mind. That's always a benefit.

I will waive to her when I see her from afar--I will say "hello, how are you"--all the good things that friends or acquaintances do. She will, of course, be very confused, and probably think I'm on drugs--but in any case, that will be my time of fun in between annoying pointless classes. =D

My boyfriend, who I will call Bf, has already seen this act of mine as rather amusing. If you can't make her jealous or kill her, what else but screwing with their minds would you do to an ex girlfriend?

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