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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Friend Troubles

Is it wrong not to like your best friend anymore?

Let me answer that one for you, yes. Well okay It's a little more complicated than that. That stupid teacher in high school was right and I hate her for it. She said that you will make new best friends once you get to college and they're going to be more of a friend to you than your high school friends. Well, half of that is right I suppose. My best friend and I have been inseparable since middle school and when we found out that we're going to the same college we were very excited. We are not interested in the same thing, career wise so we don't have the same major. She works all the time, while I don't. Instead I study all the time and still get bad grades. In any case, we haven't made time to see each other these past 4 years. I started dating someone soon after I started college and I've spent more time with him since his major is very close to mine, we have taken classes together, and he lives close by so we can also snuggle up at his house. I have neglected her, but really---she's been neglecting me too. And when we both have those feelings of regret we finally make time to go out to dinner. But even when we get together and we haven't seen each other in a month or so...we have nothing to talk about. We both say what's been going on with school, parents, boyfriends, jobs, plans for the summer...and that's it. It all lasts about a half hour and then we're quiet. I can see it in her expressions that she doesn't care about my "new" friends from my major whom I talk about constantly because I spend so much time with them in class and between classes socializing. Who else am I supposed to talk about? And of course I mention professors and events which she doesn't know anything about, and frankly she doesn't seem to walk to know. She talks about people at her work, not so much school people because she's the type that goes to classes and then runs out the door to go to work or pick up somebody instead of getting to know her classmate.

So when we see each other it's awkward and seems really off. In high school we could spend hours talking and having fun, and now it's just boring. I finally realized how bad it was when my boyfriend and I went out to dinner with another couple from our department. That was so much fun. We talked, we laughed, we drank and ate. There was no awkwardness even though we don't know her boyfriend very well. The problem now is that summer is almost here, and we have to make plans in order to actually do something besides sit on the couch. We're trying to plan a real vacation with plane tickets, hotel tickets, meals, the works. We're never done that together because we didn't have much money but now since we're graduating we think we deserve a nice vacation. Every time I look at those Caribbean or Mexican vacation deals I get excited, but then I remember that it's going to be me, my boyfriend, and her and her boyfriend. Her boyfriend is pretty quiet and doesn't have much to say, but he's a nice guy. My boyfriend is pretty quiet unless he's got someone around him that shares his hobbies (then he won't shut up) but her boyfriend doesn't have anything in common with either of us.

I can just image how awkwark and boring this vacation is going to be. And I want to have fun because I never do things like these, and I want a big great vacation before starting graduate school. I wish I could be as good friends with her as I used to be, but we've both changed. =(

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