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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Strange Dreams

One of many more to come strange dreams of mine. I might actually use these dreams as inspiration for stories. If I have the time to actually finish one, I will let you guys know.

What is up with these dreams I'm having? Am I watching too many crazy movies? Last night I had a dream that I was undercover and a bit shot for some government people. While in Europe people started shooting at me and trying to get me killed. It was nuts.

But the dream the night before...well that was is sort of reoccurring. I'm always trying to get away from someone who's trying to hurt me, but the people and environments always change. The thing that doesn't change is the fact that I have magical powers! I know I've been watching the Harry Potter series all winter break...but come on!

If some bad guy is about to attack me I just yell "Break!" or "Fire!" and they either drop dead or catch on fire. I can even say "light" so I can see through the dark. It's pretty cool when you think about it...but I'm always almost on the brink of death!

WTF is that about? I'm a meaningless college student who's just trying to graduate on time. Ugh...

More to come on these strange dreams after I dream them.

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