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Monday, August 16, 2010

Ups and Downs of Diets

Staying on a healthy, balanced diet is so fricken hard when everyone around you is a stick figure who can eat anything they want. My best friend looks like a model (but of course she still complains that her tummy is too fat) and my boyfriend is thin and tall. Ugh! For the past two years since I started dating him I put on about 30 pounds! I told myself I'll never go back to this weight before...but I did. He has developed a little cute belly, but nothing close to 30 lbs.

I've gotten the text "Wanna go out to Applebees?" at 9 o'clock on a Friday or Saturday too many times. And of course I tell myself I won't eat much, just appetizers. Appetizers consist of deep fries mozzarella and juice boneless buffalo wings which I share with my boyfriend while my best friends get other cheesy dishes or burgers. God forbid we decided to go to T.G.I. Fridays! Recently they have a deal where you get an appetizer, entree, and dessert all for $12.99! How can you beat that? Being a college student I decide that's an awesome deal because if I would get all those 3 things at their regular price, it would come out to over $20! (don't forget the drink at average 3 bucks a pop) And of course we can't all decide on an appetizer to share if it's 3-4 of us, so we all get the same deal. At least half of the desert remains on the plate because we're too full to eat it. Also, good thing Fridays puts ice cream on most of their desserts so we can't take it in a doggy bag to eat at midnight as a snack. Thank you for that, thank you dearly.

A couple of days ago I went shopping for clothes since the new school year is approaching way too quickly (senior in college, yay!!!). Of course I realized that I need to buy a jeans in a bigger size and same for shirts. Hurray. I came home and hung out with my boyfriend that day. We finished Prison Break season 3! =) I told him about my shopping experience and we decided to make a change. Oh, I forgot to say that after shopping we went out to lunch at the local gelato place where we got a huge sandwich with mozzarella sticks, meatballs and chicken. Yeah....apparently that's how I make myself feel better after a horrible shopping experience where I barely found clothes that fit me well....I eat. Great. Anyway, so my boyfriend and I made a sort of pact about our eating habits. I told him that I've tried to eat right for years now. Let me get something straight first, I'm not a McDolands fanatic or anything like that. I love fruit and vegetables, and I don't go crazy with candy and chocolate. The only thing is that I eat late, and I eat a lot because I'm starving after work or school, and after that I'm tired to exercise. There just aren't enough hours in the day to get enough rest, to go work/school, study, go grocery shopping for something healthy, cook it, eat it, and then get another 8 hours of sleep. I'm sure there's plenty of you out there who do this on a day-to-day basis, but I haven't made a habit out of it yet. I hope I will soon. So to continue--I told my boyfriend that I can't do this alone. I need his support and I need him to stop eating crap in front of me. He's always been thin, but as I said since we started dating 2 years ago, he's developed a little belly which he really doesn't like. (I don't mind it, it's cute but he's too shy to go shirtless at the it's a problem).

We decided to drink water--no more Strawberry Banana Juicy Juice, or Cherry, or whatever else his mom always buys. No more eating after 7pm. This will be really hard because we do still live at home with the parents (we live 15 min from college so there's no point to pay for room and board), and they come home late the time they cook something it's 8 or later. I really don't like that...but they insist on having "family dinners". Oh and they put butter on everything. Even broccoli. Oy. I always try to get whatever vegetables they have on the table before they put a spoon full of butter on it...but it's hard. So eating late is going to be tough...unless of course we buy groceries and cook ourselves, but having no money will make that pretty impossible. What we can do is not go out late on weekends with our friends. Everyone is busy with their seconds jobs and things like that, and most of the time that's the only time we have to hang out. So we're gonna have to either go out without eating late, or not go out at all. Something's gatta give.

I'm not saying either of us is going to be perfect. That's never going to happen. We're going to slip, but we have to start small, not drastic because then we wont stick with it. For example to day for lunch I packed some good chicken breast and potatoes that my mom cooked with salad instead of getting Quick Check hoggies. And I didn't put any chocolate or anything like that as a snack. Instead I got 2 peaches (which I always have) and a yogurt. Hopefully tonight when we go to the beach we won't pig out afterward. Keep your fingers crossed.

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