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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

Happy Love day for all you lovers out there.

Many guys (be it boy friends for years, husbands, friends) don't know what to do for their special girl on this special day. February 14 may mean absolutely nothing to a man because it's just not in your dna...but to girls, it's a pretty important day. Even if your girlfriend says:

"I hate Valentine's Day. It's stupid and pointless. I don't like teddy bears and chocolate."

She's just saying that so she wont seem like a total materialistic and hopeless romantic girl who just wants to be swept off her feet. But that's what all us girls are!!

Another myth that you boys out there might believe is that you should spend hundreds of dollars for your lady today. That's not the case. Believe me. It trully is the thought that counts.

If you're dating for more then a few months and this is your first Valentine's Day these are your essentials:

funny/romantic card: it's better if its made by hand or online (it's about $1 online and you can pick it up in 1 hour...what else can get easier?)
stuffed animal

Don't spend a lot of any of these things. Don't go to the mall where you will find very overpriced teddy bears and chocolate. Hit your hometown Walmart, Kmart or even Shoprite or CVS. Be smart. It's not like you don't know this day is coming. It's always on February 14. Don't be a jerk and wait until the last possible moment to buy something. You'll just get stuck in traffic and in crowded stores trying to find something will all the other jack asses out there. And you'll end up getting something overprices and meaningless because of lack of time and frustration.

If you are dating for a longer time and this is not your first Valentine's Day then you should think more romantic and meaningful. We really don't ask for expensive jewels on this day. It's the day of love, so be thoughtful.

A nice dinner alone is very nice. This can be at your favorite restaurant or a new place you haven't tried out yet. Just make sure it's quiet enough to hear each other talk and share a bottle of wine or champagne. At the end of the night you can exchange hand made cards and also don't forget the roses.

What is even better then a restaurant is a quiet dinner at home. This can only be possible of course if there's nobody else at home. Cook dinner for once. If she comes home and sees that you have cooked an entire meal by yourself, she will love you forever. Set the table, turn the tv off, light candles, and put on some soft music. After dinner you can cuddle up on the couch and talk about old memories you've shared.

As for gifts...around Valentine's Day there are so many sales! You can't go wrong with a cute heartshape box of chococolates. And also, even if you're on a budget, you can afford jewelry. Department stores have major sales on jewerly! You can buy something that was originally 100 bucks, for maybe 40. And trust me, even something that is on sale for $15 dollars will make her smile. Every girl loves a new pair of earrings or a necklace, even if she has many of them. She will love the fact that you go into your car, drove to the store and picked it out without you having to tell her what to get.

That's another very important point. If she has to tell you what to get, or if she has to hint at something so much that it's getting annoying...even if you get it for her, it wont mean as much. If she has to point something out, then she'll be thinking about that fact until the day comes. She'll think "I do like that purse/necklace/whatever, but if I really want it I can get it myself. I wanted him to get it for me, but I told him soooo many times that even if he does, it'll be blah. I want him to come up with something. No matter what it is I'll love it. Even if it's the ugliest gold bracelet I've ever seen. I'll wear it always."

So please....please...all you guys out there, do yourself a favor this Valentine's Day and make your girlfriends/wives really love you and prove to them that you're a good guy. Make them want to brag to their girlfriends about you.

And remember, Valentine's Day is always on February 14. Every single year. There is absolutely no excuse for you not to do something special for your girl. You can't say that "I forgot." or "I was so busy for weeks. It didn't even cross my mind. I thought I'll have time yesterday, but things went out of hand."

No, sorry boys, but there are no excuses. You have to plan ahead for these things. No just Valentine's Day, but also her birthday, Christmas, and your anniversary. She will always remember those days, every year. She'll remember the excuses you used, the gifts you got, and how she felt that day. And also, if you do it right, she'll always remember how wonderful you made her feel, and how even more in love with you she fell.

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